Chengdu Intangible Cultural center is a complex campus of buildings arranged around a large plaza for massive public performances, resembling a very large stadium, but consisting of a museum and retail component.
Our remit for the museum component did not include the interior exhibition design. The Intangible cultural heritage topic is conducive to elusive interpretation, so we decided to use a very flexible, simple plan, wide spans, high ceilings and dramatic vertical circulation. This would allow the space to be easily adapted to accommodate a wide range of art, performance and artifacts.
Externally, the building is a bold shell of fragmented facades formed in copper and glass. The use of copper as cladding is homage to the strong tradition of using copper in arts and crafts throughout the Sichuan Province. The observation tower acts as the museums vertical extension and acts as its beacon. Its copper cladding evokes basket-weaving technique, another homage to the disappearing art forms of the region.
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